Civil law


Civil law, as a broad legal field, is made up of several branches of law, including, inter alia, contract law, property law, inheritance and family law.

Our clients rely on us for all aspects of their transactions, from due diligence investigations and deal structuring to closing and on-going asset management support. Methodology our law office follow is to apply a multidisciplinary approach by considering related areas such as finance, tax, sales and acquisitions. Key areas of our expertise include project structuring, real estate acquisition and property litigation. Our long-term clients have round-the-clock access to our team to discuss all legal issues arising from the management of their real estate.

Full list of services:


• Compiling all kinds of lawsuits, responding to a lawsuit, reprimanding, counterclaims, settlements, appeals against judgments of first instance courts, etc.

• Drafting, modifying or reviewing / revising or participating in negotiations in the conclusion of all types of contracts: contracts for the sale of goods or the provision of services with different modalities (sale with the right of pre-purchase, purchase on trial, sale by model or a sample, sale with specification, sale with retention of title, sale with installment price repayment), exchange contract, sales contract, assignment agreement (cession), debt assumption contract, debt accession contract, settlement agreement (judicial and extrajudicial), contracts loan, lease or sub-contract, service contract, pledge agreement, various construction contracts, and all types of commercial law contracts

• Representation and undertaking all legal actions regarding real estates

• Registration and deletion of mortgages

• Advising and representing in the registration of real and other rights in the real estate cadastre (registration, registration of property rights, lease registration etc.)

• Obtaining of documentation needed for building (location and building permits) and registration of ownership in the public registries

• Representation in the process of compensation for material or non-material damage caused by a traffic accident, injury outside of work or at work, compensation for damage caused by the work of a state or other body, doctors, notaries, public bailiffs, etc.

• Representation in the process of termination, cancellation or invalidation of all types of contracts

• Representation in all other types of litigation procedures and non-litigation procedures

Inheritance law

• Representation in different types of proceedings: inheritance proceedings, in the process of inheritance by law (legal inheritance), in the process of the inheritance in the absence of a will (testament), in the inheritance procedure on the basis of a will (testament, last will), in the process of proving destroyed, lost or hidden last wills(testaments), in the process of termination, annulment or invalidation of hereditary contracts: contract of the assignment and distribution of the assets and life care contracts

• Compilation of all forms of wills and transfer of conclusions of wills (testaments, last wills): written testament, judicial testament, consular testament, international testament, notarial testament, post mortum deliveries

• Compilation of contracts in inheritance law: contracts of the assignment and distribution of assets for life, life care contract

Family law

• Compilation of pre-marital and matrimonial agreements, agreements on the division of the matrimonial property, ie agreements on the division of joint property, divorce agreements, parental agreements on the exercise of parental rights and the regulation of personal and property relations

• Representation in divorce proceedings (by agreement or by filing a lawsuit), matrimonial annulment proceedings or matrimonial invalidity proceedings, maternity and paternity litigation (for the purposes of determining maternity, contesting maternity, determining paternity or contesting paternity and invalidation of paternity recognition), litigation for protection of the rights of the child in disputes for the exercise or deprivation of parental rights, adoption proceedings, proceedings for annulment of adoption, proceedings regarding financial support of the children by parents or vice-versa, proceedings for protection against domestic violence, as well as proceedings before administrative bodies (change of personal name and obtaining an identity card and passport, protection of the right to a personal name)

Enforcement procedures

• Filing all types of enforcement proposals to initiate enforcement procedure for debt collection, filing an appeals and objections against the enforcement decision issued on the basis of the executive document, authentic instrument and all other documents

• Representation in the process of enforced collection of receivables or in the enforcement procedure